Library Download

At the moment libraries for Arduino IDE and STM32Cube IDE are available for downloading.
For the other boards please consider the used interface is just one standard SPI, so you can easily reverse engineer one of the two libraries available.

Arduino Library

The library is available for downloading on GitHub using this link:

To use it please download from GitHub as ZIP file and install in Arduino IDE using "Sketch/Include Library/Add .ZIP Library".

Please visit /project-examples/uno-push-button-timer or other examples to see  how to use the library.

NOTE: We are working to have it integrated in Arduino IDE standard libraries soon.

STM32CubeIDE Library

The library is available for downloading on GitHub using this link:

To use it please download from GitHub and add the .c and .h files to your project. 

Please visit /project-examples/nucleo-distance-meter to see an example of use.